Infant baby holding adult finger

Getting from There to Here

[blox_row][blox_column width=”1/1″][blox_heading title=”In two short months a young lad by the name of Josiah will be 7 years old.” size=”h3″ style=”style5″ animation=”none”][/blox_heading][blox_text animation=”none”]

This picture (one of my all time favorites) was taken when he was one day old.  I have it where I look at it almost every day.

Reflect back to a newborn.  For some crazy reason I’m always amazed at their tiny fingers and toes.  I’m even more amazed that at birth, if all goes as it needs to, one minute the baby is swimming in a mom’s tummy, and the next minute breathing air like the rest of us.  Those split seconds of transition are nothing short of a miracle…every time a baby is born.  Talk about deep change.

Then, the miracle continues from how fast a baby begins when a sperm connects with an egg, cells rapidly divide and turn into a living fetus, then a full term baby takes it’s first breath, becomes an infant, then a toddler, then climbing all over, then running, then riding a bike or skateboard, then driving a car, then possibly falling in love, getting married, and the cycle of life often begins all over again.  Astounding, really.

Becoming fully formed as a child, adolescent, emerging adult, then finding one’s unfolding place in our world, growing older, more productive, making a lasting difference, leaving an intentional legacy of a life well lived, and then there is that moment when each one of us will breathe no more.  This is life.  Everyone’s life.  What, basically, we all hope for.

However, no matter where you are in age or where you live on the planet or what your life circumstance, we were each created to live life to the full.  We’ve talked about living intentionally.  For the next several blog posts we will be talking about what it means to live with the continual process of deep change.  This is one of the core outcomes for you and me, living our lives, being willing to change.  Without that we shrivel and die within our souls, even before our hearts stop beating.

The best of mentoring

always has in mind

being intentional,

moving toward deep-change,

for one’s whole-life,

with continuing transformation

being the outcome of a life well lived.

Deep change is not impossible if it is addressed, payed attention to in all the 8 dimensions of one’s whole life.  However a guide, a mentor-friend, helps one take the leap from where you are to where you need to be and gives creative courage to step into your own future.

Such has been the sacred privilege of being one of the mentors of the father in the picture who experienced the “magic moment” when his newborn son unexpectedly put his tiny fingers around his dad’s forefinger.  The guidance of this father to his now two sons, and to the work he does with severely marginalized people, has come about because he is a man who is willing to live daily, what is mentioned of above.

Few men I know have more courageously and intentionally stepped into their future in these recent years.  Talk about deep change.  He is a living model of investing his whole life in his calling.  I have sat with him in transforming moments that have influenced and changed both of us.

Be thinking about

the deeper changes

that need to be taking place

in your own life.

Return here next Monday for some added thoughts about being willing to choose deep change in your own unfolding life.  There is a larger place for you to be living out your own life in every future day.  What leaps might you need to be making, taking, living into?


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