Creativity…And Its Siblings

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…But it is all about you. Really. I smile when I hear someone say, “I’m not creative.” That may be their impression, or even life-long thinking about creativity. But…that is not exactly true.

Of course, when we compare ourselves to a full-fledged artist of some sort, we are not them. Nor are they us…you and me. And I’ve the sincere privilege of knowing some artists that do their craft beyond belief. Indeed, how do they do what they do?!?

Pablo Picasso (1881—1973), of all people, made two statements that ring true to this day, and will continue to ring true:

All children are artists.

The problem is how to remain an artist

when they grow up

Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.

In LDG’s Circle of Life Mentoring Model we include, because it’s true and needed, as one of the 8 Dimensions of the Circle of Life what we’ve defined in four inviting, power-laden words:

Creative…..Innovative …..Designful…..Playful

Thus, when mentoring the a whole person from our own living out our lives as a whole person, C.I.D.P., is as important a dimension to bring to light and life as any of the other seven we have briefly defined in our blog posts.

Watch what a couple of imaginative boys can do with a few cardboard boxes in the back yard…as they turn them into spaceships that conquer the universe. C.I.D.P. is taking place.

Observe someone tenderly, with great patience, tending to their flower beds and garden, while softly humming their own tune. C.I.D.P. is taking place.

Get acquainted with the art form called “spoken word” and marvel at the creativity that comes from weaving words, phrases, sounds together in totally unexpected ways, that at the end leave you so impressed you hardly have words to define what you heard in the moment. C.I.D.P. is taking place.

These are but three of a “zillion” examples that we could muster up in no time to find, to suggest, we experience awe, beauty, joy, humor, pathos, determined commitment, and even the beginning of courage to step away from our own safe places to be released to try something new, different, better…maybe even way better than we could imagine right now. C.I.D.P..…and you…is what I’m writing about. Yes. You.

Jake Weidmann is one of those truly amazing living artists, with whom I’ve had the sacred privilege of doing some mentoring in days past, having discovered his work in, of all places, a coffee shop on a main thoroughfare in south Denver. In that months long mentoring process, it was an honor to help put a team around him that is now also mentoring him forward as his significant art impact progresses.

Three videos are excellent to watch to capture the essence of the talent with which this young man has been endowed. A more humble person, who has been gifted with extreme talent, you would be hard pressed to find. It is my hope that watching all three of these videos will inspire you to get going with being C.I.D.P. in your own good life:

However…to illustrate a beginning point…remember…you aRe not Jake. None of us is. And, he is nOt you.

I use this as an example of how often we are blown away by someone’s talent and thus we do not honor the creative potentials that do reside within each one of us. If I were your mentor (brash but true statement here…) I know that you and I would/could explore and discover where you, too, are creative, innovative, designful and playful.

Yup! You!!! That’s what the best of mentoring does.

You can learn to be that kind of mentor.

May you be committed

to living a C.I.D.P. life

for all the rest of your days!!!

PS: One of my current favorite books on creativity,
that influences any kind of creativity, innovation, design, playfulness,
is titled Creative Confidence
by two brothers, Tom Kelley and David Kelley.
’Tis a fascinating read.


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