The Circle of Life model by Leadership Design Group

Whole Person Mentoring

[blox_row][blox_column width=”1/1″][blox_heading title=”The best of mentoring is intentional, moving toward deep change, for one’s whole life.” size=”h3″ style=”style5″ animation=”none”][/blox_heading][blox_text animation=”none”]

No matter the age of the person being mentored, no matter the circumstance being discussed, no matter the desired outcome of personal growth, the best of mentoring will always keep in mind that our goal is a person growing toward wholeness.

Certainly, a variety of issues throughout the 8 Dimensions of Life are to be kept in mind.  Just as our physical bodies are made up of interlocking systems…muscle, bones, nerves, organs, skin, arteries and veins, etc….so is one’s whole life remarkably woven together.

In mentoring we mention that everything impacts everything.  All of who I am, all of who you are, is either adding into your life, or possibly depleting it in some way.  Of course, only in the movies is life perfect and everyone lives happily every after, in only 90 minutes.

Real life is complex,
and care-filled attention needs to be paid to all of life,
not just isolated parts.

In the eBook on this website you will see that we propose to look at each human from a whole person perspective that we call The Circle of Life.  Each of the dimensions play a supportive, nurturing role to the others in helping a person live a full life. 

You, me, everyone we know has the potential,
the sacred possibility, to flourish in how we live out life.

Intentional care will promote deep change for one’s whole life.  One may need to pay, for a period of time, more attention to one dimension of life than another.  But eventually, we need to keep all of who we are becoming in mind not just one focus. 

With the best of mentoring this is not as hard as it may seem, for you then have a guide for what you are hoping to make of your life.  You will, together, explore who you are becoming as a person.

As a mentor it is crucial that you are also keeping the commitment to be growing as a whole person, setting the example, and not just telling someone what to do.  As an engaged mentor, your whole life becomes a guide of how to live through the thick and thin of life.

  • When sorrow or pain hits, how do you live with that in your whole life?
  • When great joy shows up how do you enjoy that moment that will come and go?
  • Who are you becoming as a mentor?
  • How are you living with life-giving congruence in your own 8 Dimensions of Life?
  • How are you weaving together your own future as a model of permission to others to explore their own unique future?
  • How daring are you to live life as a whole person, and be willing to encourage others to do the same?

A commitment to wholeness,
whether mentor or mentoree,
creates a potential to be fully alive
no matter one’s circumstances.
I hope and pray you choose to be fully alive…
…that can be a reality if you so choose.


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