Woman looking to her right, thinking , while sitting on a bench

Mentoring Women for their Whole-life

[blox_row][blox_column width=”1/1″][blox_heading title=”Could your life be so focused on a few prominent areas that you forget other dimensions even exist?” size=”h3″ style=”style5″ animation=”none”][/blox_heading][blox_text animation=”none”]

I love the “aha” moment when a woman considers the 8 Dimensions diagram for the first time and realizes there are more dimensions to explore. Suddenly she experiences a newfound “freedom” and “permission” to develop that new area.

Since God intended us to experience abundant life in all dimensions – what holds us back? Is abundance stolen when we only focus on a few dimensions? Jesus obviously understood our struggle when he said:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. 

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10

So let’s take a self-reflective look at the 8 dimensions of the Circle of Life.

[/blox_text][/blox_column][/blox_row][blox_row columns=”1/1″][blox_column width=”1/1″][blox_image style=”blox_elem_image_frame_colored” image=”https://leadershipdesigngroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/circle-of-life-page.jpg” target=”0″ /][blox_text animation=”none”]


Am I doing what I know is right to protect my body, God’s temple?

Do I get enough sleep?

Make healthy food choices?

Move enough steps every day?


Do I ever wander in the woods or celebrate creation through art, photographs, quilting, or music?

Write poetry or prose?

Take time to “be” without worrying about all that I have to “do”?


Can I even identify the emotions I’m feeling?

Do I believe that God understands every emotion I have, so it’s OK to feel what I feel? How can painful reactions be healed to make way for the emotional stability I long for?


How do I use what I have?

What principles guide my choices?

Do I have a plan or just hope my finances will work out eventually?


“Oh, I don’t work outside the home. I don’t have a vocation,” you may say.

Think again! Vocation is calling – the work we do to praise the God who created us.

And yes, that does include scrubbing toilets!

So, how do I fill my days differently as my kids grow or I move from the workplace into retirement?


Is being with friends a priority?

Do I intentionally encourage and build others up – instead of comparing and criticizing my friends or myself?


How am I growing and learning in this season of life?

What interesting new ideas do I have to contribute because I am pursuing new thoughts and interests?

Family and Marriage   

Are thoughtful questions leading me to new insights about my family and what they think?

Do they feel heard and valued by me?

When I exhort them to be their best, do they only hear judgment and lack of acceptance?

Could I do a better job of expressing love in the way that speaks best to them?

So, how did you do?

Did you find areas where you can rejoice in God’s amazing abundance?

Are there other dimensions where you sense the thief stealing and destroying?

It’s never too late to improve aspects of life that are getting buried by the tyranny of the urgent. With intentionality and effort you can make changes that will definitely be worth the cost.

Developing a neglected area of your life can move you toward the fullness of who you were created to be!

Take up an interesting, but challenging book to strengthen your intellectual dimension, perhaps. Or schedule dinner with those dear friends you never see because everyone is so crazy busy. Maybe drag out the paintbrushes or sewing machine, so you can create something that will last long after the dishes and clothes are dirty – yet again!

Embrace every dimension of the unique person God created you to be, and celebrate your whole-life!


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